Help My wife bought me a sub

My wonderful wife bought me a used but well cared for SVS CS-Ultra subwoofer for Christmas, which was very cool. However, she didn’t know about passive vs. active subs and I don’t have an amp (the RDA-7 does not have a sub output) to drive the passive CS-Ultra. If I was going to buy an amp I’ve read that a Crown K1 might be a good choice, which I’ve seen used for around $700.

I have a dedicated room which is small, 12’10” x 9’ 5” x 7’ 10”. Mostly used for TV but want a high level of satisfaction for movie/concert video’s when I do watch. No critical music listening done since I have a separate room for my 2-channel for that. I currently do not have a sub but have been looking, just hadn’t pulled the trigger yet.

While I’ve read that the CS-Ultra is a very fine sub the drawbacks I see compared to active subs are no amp, no electronic adjustable characteristics like phase, gain, EQ, etc.

Active subs I had entertained were the SVS PC-Plus or PC-Ultra, Onix Rocket UFW-10, Hsu VTF3 Mk 2, or something along those lines. I have a balanced output connection from the RDC-7 processor and would like to use it if possible.

I’m thinking that if I did sell the CS-Ultra along with the money I didn’t spend on a Crown K1 amp I would have plenty to buy a really nice active sub that would give me all the electronic adjustable bits I think I need.

The components I’m using are Integra Research RDC-7 processor and RDA-7 amp, NHT M5 L/C/R speakers. No surround speakers yet.

What to do? Any advice or suggestions would be most welcomed!
That's a small room to successfully integrate a sub if you want more than boom. I like the HSU alot. Not expensive and very tuneful when tuned in properly. You also might look for one of the older NHT 10" powered subs which won't
overdrive the room.
Your wife got 'close' picking a brand you were considering but a passive version. IMO the fact that she bought you stereo equipment for xmas far outweighs all the considerations you mention in your email and that the first respondant anyway responds to. Make it work--any old used ss amp should do the trick. Get an integrated one and run the tape out from your preamp to it, adjust the gain as needed, decide on phase with speaker lead swaps and leave it that way. Many HT receivers have a high level sub out with xover. Maybe that plus a ss amp. Find an xover stand alone. Use your ingenuity and be grateful. That's a bigger challenge than selling the thing and getting exactly what you think you want. (Good luck)
I run an REL strata 3 in a similarly sized room and it sounds great. However to make any sub sound great I've found it has to be out towards the middle of the room. At least the REL doesn't look too bad away from the room periphery, especially if you can get one of the wood finish versions.
I'd keep it because the fact that your wife bought it for you, and because it's a great sub.

I would pick up a Crown amp and maybe add a Veoldyne SMS-1 down the road... it will give you 1000 times the flexibility/performance that any "built-in" stuff will.

Congrats on a cool wife!! :)