New CDP or standalone DAC...?

Current source is the Oppo 103, bought three years ago. Would greatly appreciate any and all comments on buying a better-sounding CDP, or buying a better-sounding DAC and using the 103 as a transport.
Thanks in advance!

I have the 103 and while I love it for home theater,  I agree it is not a very good CD Player.  I would try it with an outboard DAC.  Also the Cambridge CXC is an excellent transport, and Cambridge has lowered the list price, and used ones go for about $250. If in your budget,  I would try the new Nuprime CDP-9.  
Thanks guys very much for all the suggestions so far. I apologize in advance, let me give a little more info for clarification. This is not a home theater room, it is a dedicated 2-Ch listening room. It is never been used for background music, only for serious listening 1-2 hours per week on average. I have never been interested in having a traditional computer in the listening room, I have never had an interest in streaming, I only use a single source for simplicity/cost/space constraints. I have a fairly large collection of silver discs, and enjoy listening to SACD, HDCDs, and of course, good old "Red Book" discs. I might consider something for ripping and storage. Basically just yearning for a little more life, a little more musicality, and I am guessing my source is the weakest link in the system. I hope this thread continues with more responses, I truly am grateful for all the input.

If you like changing to different DAC's I would get the CXC. I wouldn't keep the Oppo. If you don't like changing things, then a CD player. Many here, it seems, love the Oppo's as CD players though many do not...
Yggy is redbook only so drop that one

you need to post a price range...

Oppo 205 is their best currently but I think the one you have can be used to rip SACDs with some work...
the Oppo 105 used prices are down now that the 205 is out, many love it for SACD and Redbook...