Ayre KX-R or PS Audio BHK Pre

I have an chance to buy either of the above 2 pre amps. Price is not a problem as I am getting a great deal on the Ayre as a demo unit. Still the Ayre is a bit more expensive but I can live with the price difference. What would you guys recommend. Associated equipment is as follows. 
Power Amps Classe CT-M 600
Speakers B&W 800d
Current pre Mark Levinson No. 38s
PS Audio Direct Stream Junior
Clearaudio TT with Avid Phono
Music tastes are mostly Classic rock with some Jazz thrown in. 
Hello srafi, 
 I can understand your dilemma given your logistics.  The Ayre is accessible  (your local dealer) and THE BHK isn't. Ayre has a longstanding reputation and very loyal customers.  It isn't a reach to decide in favor of the Ayre for these reasons. It's a safe choice. 

I however wouldn't make the assumption the Ayre is on a different level, that is only determined from actually listening to both components.  The BHK has excellent reviews and owners feedback.  Very likely it has a different sonic character given its implementation of tubes.

I don't doubt that the Ayre could make you feel very content.  Its certainly possible the BHK could do the same or perhaps even more so.  You just don't honestly know without hearing them. 
The OP has a problem that many of us in audio emporium wasteland suffer from;  no where to audition components.  We are reduced to relying on professional reviews, manufacturer reputation, and what we read from users here.  Audiogon is an important resource for those in our predicament.  As you involve yourself here over time, you begin to identify others who seem to share your audio preferences and thus use their postings to help inform your component/accessory purchases.  
PS BHK is amazing. I have it, works magically with other PS Audio units (your DAC). 

It's great for Jazz type music. 
You can tune sound using a different tube (you can change it inside the box, easy)

I never heard of Ayre, but I do have ayre codex and it's good equipment.

Also PS Audio customer service is amazing. They have exceeded my expectations!!!