Legacy Studio HD


I was hoping to get some first hand impressions from anyone that owns these..... any comments would be appreciated

Thank jel.....  all the reviews say they are great.  Just wanted some feedback from real users.   Ill be using them with a pair of 50 watt tube amps.
Sure. Just be aware that 50 watt tube may not push them where you want them to go depending on your taste in music.

If you like it loud and loads of dynamic range,  like symphony or rock, you may want to look elsewhere. I listen largely to voice, aucustic and solo instrument like piano, cello and violin and couldn’t be happier. But IMHO the mid-range / woofer driver, while really well mated to the AMT tweeter, is hard to drive to high volume without a far amount of power on tap.
My room is small.....those amps drive my current 87 dB sen. speakers plenty loud for my tastes ,  i have other amps should i need more power but the Quicksilvers are my favorite.    
Jsl,   I often buy used too, but im thinking of buying a new pair.....would you still consifder them a great speaker at $1795?
I think they are a good value because as monitors go I don't know why you'd ever purchase another. That said, at the $1750 price point there are so many choices, especially if you are also open to used. 

I hardly ever see them on the used market--maybe one or two pairs in several years of scanning audiocircle, usaudiomart and audiogon. 

As a total aside, and not in the same price range, I am starting to look at Clayton Shaws stuff (M4 Triode Master Open Baffle speaker in particular). I used to be a Maggie owner and always preferred the sweetness and openness of the 'boxless' sound and think OB speakers might work in my small room.....had to get rid of the Maggies back in 2012 when we downsized....hence the move to monitors