Atmos’ killer app? Sounds like, amusingly, headphones

I read a great article from a non-audiophile here. It raises a good point...if atmos can deliver 85% of the sound through headphones rather than speakers, then *that* is going to be massive. 

I had never thought about how if you had a good remaster, with the digital data, you could do some cool things with respect to actually having different “tracks” getting to your ears at the same time. Instead of having a mixed waveform simulating that, you can actually get individual waves. 

Granted, you will need to remaster tracks, but...I would really like to hear that on orchestral pieces. 
Um, I get better sound through my speakers than my headphones, and I don't need no Atmos to do it.


Sorry for being so flippant. Let me back up a bit.

The problem with movie sound is that it has always been effect driven, AND is designed to work for the broadest seating areas possible. Dolby sells equipment and WOW. Special effects. Personally I prefer sound tracks which are subtle, and constantly immersive, as opposed to explosive when needed.

For the home, the multiple speakers that ATMOS brings seems really old school stuff. I feel strongly they are more interestsed in selling amps and speakers than merely focusing on the experience. Dolby could have relied on HRTF research to create the height and width of ATMOS but instead  they add more and more speakers which are not really needed. What IS cool about ATMOS and the DTS version is the object-oriented storage of a sound. Instead of being put on a specific track (L, C or R) now it is stored as a waveform and a direction from the center. The playback processor now interprets this and maps it to the best combination of speakers that are available.

A large part of this by the way is the theater experience. HRTF work I think works better when you have a narrow seating arrangement. In theaters  you have a lot of seats outside of the sweet spot, so more speakers is a good thing. Also, HRTF is hard to sell to people. I'm sure movies pre-Atmos already incorporated HRTF research into their sound tracks, and some processors will be reverse-engineering the ATMOS tracks with height and width simulation.

It is a lot easier to sell you on the idea of more speakers, and more amps than it is better processing.

The one area where I DO think an extra speaker in music makes sense is the center channel. Partly historical, partly HRTF. But height, width, 12 speakers in my home... I'll pass.


I do watch movies (and opera) at home, but my preferred means is to just use my stereo system as a HT system. I think it works pretty well, and I also think that two really good but necessarily large speakers give a sound that is at least in some respects superior to a muiltitude of small ones. Five (or seven) large electrostats in my living room? No thank you.

I agree with Erik that center channel is probably the most important speaker in a HT system.  In movie audio production, the center channel is where the source of vocals are generated from.  However, the left/right channel also has a tiny bit of vocals. When produced, the movie soundtrack uses left/right channels for ambience.  The vocals are usually at about 10% and have a slight delay.  This gives you the reality of sound where the actor is speaking from, such as talking in a bathroom, talking outside next to a building, etc.  Without the left/right vocal ambience, the sound may be very mono.

I have listened to movies/shows using only 2 channel and the processor has to compromise by sending the center channel to both left and right, while at the same time playing normal left/right soundtracks.  What happens is that the vocals and sound have an "echo" effect.  It makes it harder to hear voices.

Left/right surround speakers do add ambience.  It makes the movie experience more immersive or "stereo like".  If you only have left/center/right, the sound is more "mono" in a sense because it is all coming from ahead of you.  The surround speakers put you more inside the movie experience.

I have been in full Atmos theaters with ceiling speaks and tons of surrounds.  The effect is interesting with sounds coming all over the place, but honestly, I would rather have an extremely great 5.1 system than an average 11.1 Atmos system.  For me 5.1 is enough to really enjoy movies, if the system is high-end enough.