Audiophiles should learn from people who created audio

The post linked below should be a mandatory reading for all those audiophiles who spend obscene amounts of money on wires. Can such audiophiles handle the truth?

One wonders if, generally speaking, naysayers and pseudo skeptics are the same folks who are convinced they cannot be hypnotized and they can pass lie detector tests if they practice. They cannot be tricked. They’re too smart and too clever to be bamboozled. Mind-over-matter and mind-matter interaction are simply too preposterous to take seriously, you know, because they’re too smart. Next up, The Mind Lamp from Psyleron. 😳

 They cannot be tricked. They’re too smart and too clever to be bamboozled.
Ah, Geoff, seems you have created a challenge worthy of your trickery.  Those damn pesky naysayers again, and they have teamed up with the pseudo skeptics, and possibly even some (gasp!) science-lovers.  Set your clock, answer your phone, load up some crystals and get ready to rumble.....The Main Event of the Evening!
Where is the popcorn?
to improve the experience of enjoying music, the Audiofool must reject all science and engineering knowledge

don’t wanna hurt your head

Post removed 

Can somebody explain how taping rocks to your cables makes you enjoy music more? Or how about gluing spots to your wall? Or placing bottles or bowls around the room? I’m the screwed up one because I don’t buy any lie some fool sells me? I don’t give myself to delusional thinking? I’m the troll because I don’t give audio Scientology credit? I don’t think so! The kind of thinking that drives this snake oil industry is the same thinking that led people to think the Earth was the center of the universe and that it was flat. If it was up to these clowns we’d be bleeding people to cure them, drinking radium, and be using a medical system based on the concept of humors. That’s how stupid their snake oil is. If these folks bought into these nutty ideas in any other field society would have them committed or call them cult members.

Why hold back? Tell us what you really think. By the way, I’m afraid you’ve got it backwards. It’s the naysayers who thought the world is flat and clung to their archaic beliefs no matter what.