Audiophiles should learn from people who created audio

The post linked below should be a mandatory reading for all those audiophiles who spend obscene amounts of money on wires. Can such audiophiles handle the truth?

Just having fun with this.  Apropos for both sides of the aisle  : )

Here's the tweak:

To 'blindly' go where no man has gone before....

emphasis on 'no man'  : )
One wonders if, generally speaking, naysayers and pseudo skeptics are the same folks who are convinced they cannot be hypnotized and they can pass lie detector tests if they practice. They cannot be tricked. They’re too smart and too clever to be bamboozled. Mind-over-matter and mind-matter interaction are simply too preposterous to take seriously, you know, because they’re too smart. Next up, The Mind Lamp from Psyleron. 😳

 They cannot be tricked. They’re too smart and too clever to be bamboozled.
Ah, Geoff, seems you have created a challenge worthy of your trickery.  Those damn pesky naysayers again, and they have teamed up with the pseudo skeptics, and possibly even some (gasp!) science-lovers.  Set your clock, answer your phone, load up some crystals and get ready to rumble.....The Main Event of the Evening!
Where is the popcorn?
to improve the experience of enjoying music, the Audiofool must reject all science and engineering knowledge

don’t wanna hurt your head

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