Does a new cd transport require break-in time?

I just ordered a new Cambridge CXC transport to go along with  Gungy DAC.
Does it require any break-in time?

It seems we have many coincidences.
I, too, have an excellent silver coax cable.

The problem with the noise on pause, I’m sure, is a Gungy phenomenon.  I get it too.  If the unit weren’t so good, it would be a most definite deal breaker.  We’ll have to live with it if we want to keep it. 
Interestingly, I much prefer the sound of the Gungnir with the Oppo transport.
The definition is probably better with the Cambridge, but there is, on my system, a shrillness I don’t like. The Oppo just sounds better and has plenty of detail. Maybe the Cambridge will sound different after more break in.

 I love the improvement in every dimension the Gungy makes over my old Theta, which I’m using now because the Schiit stopped working!  (I guess you could say, it crapped out.) They are sending me a new one. (High marks to them for doing that after I had it for almost a month.)
I’m probably going to return the CXC when I get the Multibit back if the synergy doesn’t improve. Even though it sometimes mistracks now, I’ll keep it until I send it back.
....HOWEVER when I put the Cambridge transport on pause I do hear a clicking though the DAC. It is very irritating and I have no idea what to make of it? ....

....Forget about calling Schitt and asking them whats up. They have lousy phone support!!!!! (Many of my audiophile friends have also experienced customer phone support problems with Schitt)....


Charlie -

Heads up here. In a good way :)

First, I do not have the Gumby, I have the Yggy, but the same concept applies regarding the "clicking". This is "normal’ and correct behavior! Don’t believe me, send Schiit an email and ask (see next paragraph). In my case, the Yggy does an *outstanding* job of "recognizing" whether or not a device connected to it is turned on or off. Its almost as though their DACs are "smart devices", it's that good! What you are hearing are the relays engaging/disengaging, and the Schiit DACs *react differently depending on the device connected to it*. You should (IMO) view the pause as a good thing. So much so that if you pause your Cambridge transport and don’t hear a pause *then* you have a problem!

As to phone support, I can’t understand why people such as yourself write they have lousy support. *HELLO*, they essentially advertise they *DO NOT HAVE ANY PHONE SUPPORT*. So, in this instance, give Schiit all the credit in world in that *they disclose* this up front. Now, if you were to ask or mention that they *should* have phone support, absolutely. I too do not like the fact they do not answer a telephone like a "normal" *BUSINESS* would, however, again give them credit here in that they do clearly state customers must use email.
i don’t understand how “it’s a good thing” that you can’t pause a selection in mid stream without having to hear a shattering electrical noise.
  If the telephone rings, or you have to go to the bathroom, you have to start a CD from the beginning, even if you are three quarters of the way through a symphony you’ve been avidly listening to for 45 minutes.  It’s not a good thing if, effectively, you can’t utilize a pause control, like virtually with every other similar device.
Also, I can’t give a company “credit” for not answering their phones just because they say they won’t.

On the plus side, they are replacing my faulty Gungnir after I’ve had it for about a month.

The following quote is from Schiit Tech support in response to the noise you are hearing when you are pausing music. My *assumption* is that the same response would apply to your Gungnir.

"The Yggdrasil doesn' t trigger on silence itself, it triggers on the loss of signal. If the CD Player outputs silence but maintains the stream that will be fine, however if your CD Player actually stops the stream entirely then you will get the click. Different CD Players behave differently."

So basically what they are saying is that the device you are using as transport *stops the stream entirely*. You may test that of course by using a different playback device. In my particular case, every device I have used as transport does not cause my Yggy to make any kind of "shattering electrical noise". However, I agree with you that it is rather inconvenient if this is your experience. I don't know what else to offer you in the way of a response. Perhaps send an email to Schiit with the details of your specific hardware and they can recommend something.

As to Schiit's lack of phone support, I wasn't suggesting they be given credit for it. Rather, I'm giving credit only in-so-far as they disclose the fact that they don't. 
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