Searching for the most "accurate" speaker (below 15K)

I’m looking for the most accurate and resolving speakers (budget is <= 15K). Paradigm Persona 3F, Kef Reference 3 or Focal Sopra 2 are some of the options I can think of. Any opinions on how these compare? Should I had other options to this shortlist? The amplifier is the (absolutely extraordinary) Nagra Classic AMP.

Thanks! :)


I’ve been at this hobby a long time too, I’ve got a good idea of why I like the Thiels ;-)

I know the old Thiel rep for brightess. It was actually hearing the Thiel CS6s on VAC amps, way "back in the day" that got me interested in Thiels and tubes, and the CS6s sounded fabulous on my CJs.

Jim Thiel’s last design, the 3.7, really licked those niggling complaints - not bright, open but incredibly smooth, no more slightly hollow or nasal reductive character to the upper mids (which depended on seating position). The 3.7s are really the fruit of Jim's speaker journey IMO.   I tend to prefer tubes for most speakers so I love them combined with my CJs. My pal reviews for a high end mag (I used to do a bit too), and his impression of previous Thiels were "made me want to run out of the room." But he did a 180 on them once he heard my set up, and thinks they completely unfatiguing and easily the best sound I’ve ever achieved.

As I mentioned on the Thiel thread, I’d enjoy hearing the Persona’s hooked up to my CJs, or a similar type of tube amp. I’m sure it would nudge them more towards my own preferences.

That said, I’ve found there is only so far one can go with peripherals like amps etc in terms of altering the sound of a speaker. Most speakers have a voice, or timbral quality of their own, that remains and usually I hear that no matter what’s hooked up on the other end. There’s no speaker I’ve ever owned that I didn’t also like with different amps - e.g. solid state - because of the continuity in a speaker’s presentation. Adding tubes for me is just perfecting the sound, not a large alteration.

So there has to be a "hook" that I hear in the sound of a speaker, a general voice that I get on with, and then I can nudge it this or that way with set up, amp choice. (Blind testing cured me of spending lots of money on cables used as tone controls....).

@biscorbit - would love to have the SCM 50 or 100 ASL.

I’ve actually seen some at reasonable prices on the craigslist-London.

But as sketchy as craigslist can be here in the US, I’m even more leary of an international transaction.

If you mean accurate as in a speaker that sounds like the real thing then I think the Yamaha NS5000 sets a new reference point.Especially in the midrange.Piano ,voices,strings or anything natural are all the most convincing I have heard from any speaker.And by a fair margin.
Not only are they extremely detailed  but they are also very musical and organic sounding.Imaging is also right up there with the best I have heard.
I used to love the Magico S5 but when I went directly from them to the Yamahas I realised the Yamahas sounded real whereas the Magico just sounded like a speaker-albeit a very good one.