New York Stereo show at Park Lane Hotel

Who is going it will only take 3 hrs to see the entire show.The people putting on the show had no ad in Stereophile or Absolute Sound.Hope to see some of you there.
Best of show Alta speakers Krell mono amp Solution preamp.Second best Eggleston Speakers Triangle Art turntable,preamp and amp.Wonderful sound also at Bache Audio speakers,Alexus Audio preamp and power amp wonderful natural musical sound.A small show with some good sounding rooms.Enjoy
Unfortunately, a REALLY bad show.  Not the worst I've visited, that honor goes to the year the show returned to NYC.  But this came in second place.  I felt happy hearing well the Capitol Audio Fest went off, which I should have drove down to, and provide provided some hope things stood less dire than it appeared in NYC.

Have a lot of notes.  In the past, I've written threads to convey my feelings.  Not sure if I have the time or not, but I'm thinking about doing so
Just got back. Best of show tie:
Triangle Art electronics/Eggleston Viginti and Luxman w/ 300B tube amp and electronics and Triangle speakers.

Second best:
Krell/Alta tied with Accuphase/Soulution/Piega with spectacular Reed turntable

Most sought after item: Reed turntable
This show had no ads as this Chester Group is very cheap and put on mediocre shows 27 rooms are they joking!!!