Top Audiophile Ethernet Cables - any comparisons?

I just set up my new streamer with which I stream music from my mac mini to my dac. I use a dedicated network switch which connects the streamer and mac mini directly without going through the rest of my LAN.
I exchanged a standard CAT 7 cable on one leg of the connection with Audioquest's Forest Ethernet cable. There was a small but clearly audible improvement. From the reviews on the Web I conclude that the top cable by Audioquest (Diamond) would give the biggest improvement of all Audioquest Ethernet cables. 

Now my question: Has anyone compared the Audioquest Diamond with any other top cable by another manufacturer, e.g. Purist Audio, Cardas, Chord, ...? I live in Switzerland and have no dealer who can give me several of those cables to try. Thus, before spending a lot of money, I'd like to hear any opinions.

Thanks a lot for any replies!

By the way, I use a network switch that was modified for audiophile purposes (AQVOX). The difference to an off-the-shelf switch is tremendous!
My day with William (wgutz) was great. Just to hand and talk audio, hear a nice tube setup. Hi system is accurate and images really well.

We did some subjective evaluation and that was fine. When it came to the unsighted evaluation William did no better than 60%. I didn't do any better blinded.
Am I right that the executive summary of the event is that, apart from the enjoyment,  neither of you was able to reliably tell a difference?
Hi jinjuku: Did you guys audition/compare any high end Ethernet cables to the generic cabling you brought over? Did you audition Gordons cable?
We did:

Custom 5 meter cable with Siemons industrial connectors

30 meter CAT 6 from Amazon

5 meter BJC

3 meter Best Buy Insignia.

The ears only evaluation was the custom 5 meter and the $13 30 meter.


Which one of the above cables you would consider a high-end or $$$ cable?