Please suggest bookshelf with best bass response under $4000 pr.

Lately, I've been craving deeper, tighter bass. I'd like to hear some ideas for replacing my Silverline 17.5 monitors. Is this a stupid question, due to inherent limitations of driver size imposed by typical bookshelf dimensions, or might I actually do better with another speaker? Amplification is Wells Audio 150 watt SS Majestic integrated. Source is aging Jolida JD100 tubed cdp (in new year, I plan to replace this with another SS cdp or a transport/standalone dac combo). Thanks ! 

You really need to go and try to hear some of your possible contenders.

I think what many of the add a sub guys are failing to notice is your speakers look to be from 1998 if this is the case of course loudspeakers from today will offer more clarity.

The issue of bass is as much of how the room is interacting as well as the capabliities of the loudspeakers.

ATC makes screaming good monitors that are very neutral and throw a huge soundstage, they are also very dyanmic with good bass, hoever they are not that efficient, and like power, they also have very tight bass but it is not subwoofer quantity.

The Dynaudio C1 are very fine monitors they only go down to 45hz and are also power hungry. 

If you are really looking for subwoofer level bass out of a small speaker, we were exhibiting at the New York Audio Show with the Legacy Cablire which is a bit more than your budget, however, they had unbelievable bass which was tight and room filling, the 8 inch woofer has 1 inch of linear throw so it can move some air and the speaker has dual passives.

If you can squeeze up to $5500 you will be blown away be their performance and they are quite compact and stunning looking they are also efficient and play loud. The Calibre is flat down to 38hz which is very impressive for a monitor.

The Calibre’s also image extremely well and use a state of the art Heil AMT tweeter mated with a fantastic Italian midrange driver.

Dave owner
Audio Doctor NJ

If you can swing an extra $500, try a pair of Neumann KH310A monitors. They are small, they go low, and yes, I have a pair. You won't be disappointed.

Spenceroo, most people don't want a pair of hideous pro speakers in their Living Rooms, you mistake what sounds good and what most people want to have in their homes. 

A high performance speaker should fit nicely into someone's home and decor. 

OP you need to get yourself to some of your local dealers and or Audio shows and actually listen to some of the newer contenders in your price range.

I would put ATC, Legacy, on your list in the uber monitor range, If you really want deep bass very few speakers that are this compact hit as hard and go as low. 

The Wells amp is powerful enough to drive almost anything. 

Go forth and listen. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Well, if you check the OP's 2nd post, he mentions studio monitors, hence the suggestion. I don't see a problem myself. 
I second the nomination of the Elac Adante AS-61 monitors. The first shipment will be coming in sometime around 11/16-11/20 and every week thereafter. I, myself, am waiting to hear them as I liked the floor standers. 

They're a there way design with a sealed box, something that you don't see much of with monitors. They vent via the passive bass radiator on  the front (the actual bass driver is situated behind it). You'd save $1.5K and just may like it.

Another one would be the Studio Electric M4 for around the same price as the Elacs and they, too, are a sealed design. I've yet to hear them but the chatter is they are very good. I'm lucky in that I can listen to both in my area. Try to audition before you commit.

All the best,