Old Dynaco Speakers?

Help me - I think I'm losing my mind. I have held on to a excellent pair of Dynaco A-35s, but have not listened to them since I put together my system. Just for a laugh I hooked up the Dynacos in place of my Vienna Acoustics Mozarts. While the $2500 Mozarts sound better overall, it's scary how close the Dynacos came. The last time I listened to the A-35s they sounded good, but that was with much lesser quality electronics. To make matters worse, I was just on a listening binge with better VA speakers, Sonus Fabers and Martin Logans. While arguably the A-35s were the best of the Dynaco line, I guess that I'm a little shocked how good they can be. David Hafler may you rest in peace.

Creek 5350SE Int. Amp
Rega Jupiter CDP
Cardas Cross Interconnect and Quadlink powercords
Acoustic Zen Satori speaker cables
With reference to another thread..."High End" is not eqivalent to "High Price".

Also, the type of music is a major factor. As I have said a few times, really lousy horn driver speakers sound really good when you play dixieland jazz. I have some little B&W monitors that are exceptional for solo violin. (They are about the size of a violin body). KLH5 speakers were great for spoken dialog. Getting it right for all kinds of sound is difficult and that is what you are paying for with High End speakers. However, for some one particular type of sound, an elcheapo speaker might be the best.
here in is the irony of today's hi end...and why so many audiophiles are going retro. no one makes 'em like they used to..not even the guys who used to.
I used a pair of Dynaco A-25 speakers for a good while driven by a Dynaco Stereo 150 and a PAT 5 preamp. It made for excellent sound by any standards and you never felt anything was missing. My source (main) was a Dual 1229 Turntable with a Shure V15 Type III and then a V15 Type IV. I eventually changed to a double stack of the (at the time) "New" Advent speakers. Hafler and Kloss were some of the best and they will be missed.