My speaker quest

Last time I posted I was considering used Wilson Sasha 2 speakers.  I decided to pass on them and am still looking to replace my 25 year old Proac Response 3.5s with floor standing  speakers in the 10-15000 range My electronics are all Audio Research (older models--VT130 amp, LS22 preamp, PH3 phono stage-- but I just replaced all the tubes).  My short list so far: KEF Reference 3 and Monitor Audio PL300ii. The Proac D48R is on my list too and I'm planning to hear it around Thanksgiving. Also planning to hear Vanderstein and Revel speakers although the only local dealer for these doesn't carry anything over $10,000 so I won't be able to hear more expensive models.  I've also heard Audio Physics Codex, Dynaudio C60, B and W, and Triangle Cello and ruled them out.  Wanted to hear Paradaigm and Magico but they aren't available locally for listening.  Salesman said I probably wouldn't like Dali speakers based on my personal taste.  Not sure about Wilson Sabrina's but probably not.  Since I like my current Proacs, I'm hoping to be blown away by the newer model. I thought the KEFs were very musical with a great soundstage.  I only listened briefly to the Monitor Audios but was pleasantly surprised and plan to spend more time with them.  Perhaps it's no coincidence that my short list is all British.  I'm not expecting anyone to make the decision for me but would appreciate any thoughts/advice from people who have experience with these speakers. Thanks in advance!
who is your local Vandy dealer with only treo ? most stock at least Quattro
Performance Audio in San Francisco is the only local dealer and does not have the Quattro.  In fact, I just called Vandersteen and they said the nearest dealer with the Quattro is in Santa Monica--about 400 miles from me.  I also realized that the Quattro requires an electrical outlet which is an issue.  I don't have any outlets near the speaker location, my wife would not be happy about running a cord across the room and it would be difficult to have outlets installed because of construction issues.  
P. S. Meant to thank everyone for your help.  I do plan to hear the Vandersteen Treo and the Joseph audio Perspectives as well as the Proac D48R and to revisit the KEF Reference 3s and the Monitor Audio PL300ii.  
I heard the Wilson Audio Alexx with T+A HV series separates this weekend and it was a really nice match. Would like to hear that with the Sabrina's too.
Well let me tell you my thoughts. 

If you like speakers that are very fast with minuscule cabinet resonance so they disappear totally, speakers that have a full midrange so male baritone voices have fullness and richness to them, speakers that have extended and sparkling highs, soft dome tweeters but reenforced with carbon fiber to create greater extension, speakers that will speak to you, not PA systems, speakers that are so high tech they put other manufactures to same then you might want to listen to the Wilson Beseech. Did I mention they are manufactured in Sheffield England.

I am a dealer for them but you should look at the distributors website to find a dealer near you. 
