Looking for Better Jitter Reduction in a DAC

I'm looking to improve the jitter control in my digital setup, which hopefully will create a more analogue presentation. I own a PS Audio PW Memory Transport, which sports a FPGA, and a Nuwave DSD DAC with a scaled-down version of the gate array.

   I have owned a Chord which uses this technology and it was like listening to analogue recordings. I sold it only because it's soundstage was very forward, like sitting in the front row of a concert hall. My current PS Audio setup has wide and deep imaging, as does my Atma-Sphere preamp.
   I have auditioned the Schiit Grundir and it was a bit too fast in the attack and transients, but had the dynamics and deep imaging that I like. So, I guess what I'm looking for is a unit with a laid-back, realistic musical presentation.

The Mytek Digital Stereo192 DSD and Blue Circle DAC are in my price range, but there is no way to audition them.
  So any recommendation and advice is appreciated. DSD preferred, budget is about $1200 used.

I had the same results with the SPDIF in stock form. The LPS-1 took away all distortion, bass is better defined, soundstage, imaging, and 3D improved as well.

Ric Shultz at EVS does a $65.00 mod to and the results are said to be superb.

5-10-2017: For those that are using coax input on anything.....you must use a modified IFI SPDIF Ipurifier.   Simply amazing what this modded thing does. Stock, it gets nothing but rave reviews.....modified it is another thing altogether......incredible!   The mod consists of damping, removing two LEDs (toslink output and frequency/lock indicator, and hardwiring/shortening the power cable from the power supply.   The price of the mod is $65 plus return shipping .

The IFI spdif Ipurifier has an unpolarized AC plug on its power supply. Please try the power supply both ways into the AC socket. It sounds very much better in one direction. Please experiment for best sound.

Scroll down the page from the LKS link for a letter from a customer regarding the mod. I will be sending mine to Ric soon for the mod.


- Tried Harrison Labs attenuators, the highs were rolled off, so not a good test.

Resistive attenuators must be installed at the destination or you will have roll-off due to the cables.

Sounds to me like your DAC is the problem.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

Steve, attenuators were connected to the input of the preamp. Then preamp was removed from system and DAC output > ICs > attenuators > amp input.

What kind of IC’s are you using?  How long?

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

@audioengr , Purist Aqueous IC's ...1 meter.  Also have a pair of Purist Museous.