Let's talk power cords

Does a upgrade really make a difference over a stock cord?
good thing it's essentially free to try for yourself, as you will get no agreement here...you can look up many old threads, they will be the same as this one...and yes, used power cords tend to hold their value a long time
willemj, you’re doing it again! Don’t attack me. I didn't invent electricity.  I’m just the messenger. 😃
They make a big difference all day long. It is so easy to hear even in my relatively "budget" system.

It was easy to hear on my "cheap" system as well. For any new guys here or those "sitting in the face" do yourself a favor and try one. Doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg. The Cullen Avius power cord I have cost $129 with a thirty day money back guarantee.


Without question over the years through a number of audio systems (mine and friends) I have heard the positive impact of using well designed/made power cables. I’m surprised when I read comments from those who say they do not hear an improvement with better power cables. The comparisons were quite stark in contrast in some instances and subtle in others.

Some say scam and I disagree based on my listening experiences. If you are truly interested to determine for yourself, borrow 3 or 4 samples from the Cable Company and compare them in your system. There is a modest fee but worth it if you’re really curious. Good luck.
Here we go again!
This has been debated many times...
@jmcgrogan2, I could not stop laughing at your post, my friend!
@thirsty93, IMHO power cords do make a huge difference period.
Anyone that has not experimented with power cords should not comment about this question based upon common sense.
If one can’t hear the difference between several upgraded power cords and/or a stock power cord then I believe one of several factors come into play here.
Equipment isn’t up to the task to produce the differences in music.
Your ears are not trained to pick up the finer detail.
You have a hearing deficit and don’t realize it.
I would always recommend that if a stock power cord can be easily replaced, eventually do it when you have the cash. Many stores will allow an additional trial period so you can decied for yourself.