Let's talk power cords

Does a upgrade really make a difference over a stock cord?
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Power cords and conditioners can help if you have

1) Inadequate power supplies in your components
2) Poor quality power from your utility/ bad house wiring
Not at all likely, spendy AC cables are a scam and they do not make a difference on well designed equipment.

But the confirmation bias is easily heard.

The only way an elec. signal can make across a transformer from 1o to 2o is by EMF (and leakage thru gnd). Good transformers will have a shield between those windings.

If there is a an issue an AC power cord helps with, then you need to rewire your entire house - maybe get the elc. co. to rewire back to the substation too.

BETTER solution is to buy an isolation transformer that a hospital has removed from service - they are all over eBay and cost $300 or less - I know a guy who got an xlnt one for $75.

You then get a simple, plain power strip with no devices inside it, and plug everything into that to get rid of gnd. loops.

DC power cords from wall warts can still be an issue - make or buy a star quad DC power cable to reduce that issue & galv. isolate your DAC.

Lots of real ’tweeks’ to do and they are not spendy. No reason to buy overpriced snake oil.  Science is well able to explain and measure these sonic variables.

In the broadest sense, science serves and is subordinate to observation; i.e., experience. When observation isn’t supported by current science (in part, a body of "rules" or principles that help us understand, order and predict reality) the rules have to be amended.

I think most of us get poor quality power from the utility and/or have bad house wiring...