"Lousey (sic) observations are of no consequence to scientists - it is why we do CONTROLLED experiments...."
A necessary underlying assumption being: suitable experimental methodology exists.
Controlled experimentation is not the sole and exclusive avenue by which valid observations are made. Observations in uncontrolled settings are often made first and subsequently drive experimentation under controlled conditions to validate and understand such. Lack of an immediately applicable experimental method does not invalidate the initial observation(s).
Discussion with personalities prepared to discount experiential data from all others contradicting their opinion is pointless.
A necessary underlying assumption being: suitable experimental methodology exists.
Controlled experimentation is not the sole and exclusive avenue by which valid observations are made. Observations in uncontrolled settings are often made first and subsequently drive experimentation under controlled conditions to validate and understand such. Lack of an immediately applicable experimental method does not invalidate the initial observation(s).
Discussion with personalities prepared to discount experiential data from all others contradicting their opinion is pointless.