Upgrade from Audio Physic Virgos to ???

Hi Folks:
I've been enjoying my Audio Physic Virgo IIs for about a year and a half now, but am getting the upgrade bug. I'm keen to hear some upgrade suggestions. I love the Virgos, especially the soundstage they provide. However, I'm assuming that with more $$ I should be able to get even speaker for my money. I'm particularly interested in hearing from ex Virgo owners who've upgraded and have been happy with their new speakers. I'm also particularly interested in high efficiencey designs as I may move to lower output amps like SET or OTL. A couple of speakers I'd be interested in are JM Labs Mezzo Utopia, AP Avanti III and Coincident Total Eclipse. My room is relatively small though (the Mezzo Utopia may be more appropriate given room restrictions) at about 14by16 feet. Current system includes Blue Circle BC2 amps (75wpc, class A), Supratek Syrah preamp, YBA CD1a cd player, Teres 135/OL Silver/Shelter 501mk2 vinyl rig. Thanks,
hi everyone
i'm using my audio physic Temp IV for a year and now wanna upgrade to Virgo 25,but i do have a chance to have Focus audio master 3 ( 3 yr old but excellent
condition) at very good price less than 13 k.
is there anyone can give me some advice on whice i should go with?

many thanks
The best Audio Physic speakers are still the Virgo II and
the Caldera I and II. If you can get the Caldera (there is
no difference between I and II) you will be a happy guy.

thank you for your info regarding AP Cadldera.
but as i mentioned i do have chance to get focus audio master 3 at about 13k.
so compare with AP ,i don't know which is best choice
Hi Mikelikehk, To make a choice one need to know first what
to compare. In your case you should listen to both, at least. The Calderas can be get in Europe for +/- 4000 Euro.
So I assume that they are cheaper in the USA then Focus
Audio. To give you some impression about the Calderas they were meant to compete with Wilson's WATT/Puppy.

hi Nandric,
thank you very much for your help. I just listened to focus audio master 3 and i get so impressed about its tone.deeper. wild sound stage and very clean background compare with my audio physic temp iv. but i will shop around to find something fit me best.

thank you again