New CDP or standalone DAC...?

Current source is the Oppo 103, bought three years ago. Would greatly appreciate any and all comments on buying a better-sounding CDP, or buying a better-sounding DAC and using the 103 as a transport.
Thanks in advance!

Somebody mentioned TAS. Actually, that is the last place I would look for unbiased objective info about any audio brand. You get better info here or even other audio websites that are not heavy with manufacturer specific forums. With some research one can find it’s mainly about advertising and pushing the brand you make, carry or have ties with. The never ending glowing reports of brand XYZ in TAS or Stereophile is just hilarious. It becomes nearly impossible to read any criticism from these guys. 
Tom, not knocking the 205 and try it if you like, but I would look for a dedicated and specifically designed CD player or transport and/or a much improved DAC.

Just to add a tidbit...I have two CD players in two audio systems. Both have an external DAC connected. One is a Rega Apollo with a Schiit Bifrost Uber and the other is an older Sony ES player with a Benchmark DAC1. Neither of these sound better than my Bluesound Node 2 playing MQA. MQA streamed albums sound better. The Node 2 can access all my ripped CDs and play them as good or better in many instances than my CD setup. The kicker is that the Node 2 costs $500. Just some 2 cents info before you make your final decision.
@mesch, 57 here. With age comes wisdom!
@2psyop, very good point. I subscribe to both TAS and 'phile and agree there is definite bias within those pages. I try to remind myself to remember they are written by humans, just like all of us on this forum, with all our baggage, opinions and biases. Interesting about Oppo products, people either love em or not. Not much middle ground, it seems. Since I like the sound of my 103, I'm thinking I'll probably like the 205. I know their "house sound" isn't everyone's cup of tea. Thank you for your response, and your suggestions.
Wow, just read your second post. Like what I'm reading. Very interested in MQA. Will definitely look into that further...