Jadis JA30 Mk2, how great???

The new Jadis JA30 Mk2 is now on my radar. Does anyone here have any experience with this amp...thoughts?

Would seem to be in the sweet spot of the Jadis line.
Thanks guys. Last night I had a long listening session..and one that was quite amazing. I managed to add my two REL subs ( after having custom cables built for me by Frank at Signal) and got them dialed in. The result with the new Jadis being powered by the Art Audio cables and the subs now in the room, was a sound that easily surpassed anything that I have managed before. Right now I am pretty happy!
When you get it right, the question becomes is it wise to get off the bandwagon, or continue to tweek....hmmm??

Like you guys correctly point out, synergy is so darned important in this hobby. But wow, once it all locks in...:0)

 I find the bandwagon question to be overwhelmingly based on one's personality makeup. Some people once they've reached a level of deep satisfaction can stop and enjoy the music (This describes me).  Others no matter how well their system sounds just can't resist the urge to change or meddle.  So it all depends on one's psychology it seems. I make a distinction between fine tuning tweaking and constantly changing major system components. Bottom line,  follow your heart 😊.
As an owner of Jadis amplifiers, I also obviously feel they offer beautiful, glorious sound.

In addition to your power cord experience, I've found they show as much sensitivity to tube rolling as any amplifiers I've come across.  It amazes me how far you can push the sound in whatever direction you want to head.  Driver and output tubes more so than the input, and I recommend starting with them, though the input tubes also definitely need attention.  As time passes, you should experiment.  You can REALLY improve things from where the factory starts
trelja, Thanks for that. Currently I am utilizing a pair of Siemens 12AU 7 and 12 AX7's...not the standard EH tubes that come stock. I may roll in some Telefunkens or some NOS Mullards ( like I have in my preamp).