One more thing I should add. I have not heard the Tekton Ulfs so I can't say how they compare to the Aeris -- that is a comparison I would LOVE to hear. As much as I like the Tekton speakers (ESPECIALLY when you consider the added bonus of price), I am not sure that they could sound as open and airy as the Aeris because of the design.
I found it difficult to compare the Aeris to DI because the sound was so different. First, they have a room correction Wavelet box they go through. So I have a preconceived bias against any processing and I wonder, "how much of that 3d sound is the speaker, and how much is the processor?" and then the next thought is "If that is the processor, is it also changing the sound and adding to it?"
Despite all of that, I could not hear anything but clean sound. The problem with the comparison is that the sound was so 3d like that it just sounded so different than the DI or the Focus to my ears, it was difficult to make an analytical comparison. I was just kind of lost in the sound. And when the sound kind of wraps around you, it sounds different than what was coming out of the other speakers. I honestly would have to sit down and compare longer to try and see how I felt about the neutrality of the Aeris compared to the others. If I could stop being amazed at the sound presentation long enough to try to be analytical, lol