Connect Bose VI equalizer to Mcintosh C2500 and Amp without Tape Looping

Can someone tell me how to connect Bose Series 6 equalizer to C2500 Preamp w/o tape looping so I can connect XLR cables to MC501 amps? Right now it's tape looped between preamp and amp and connected using Cardas Golden RCA IC's to Amplifier.

roddyboy, normally you would connect your pre amp to your power amp. by installing the 'eq'  connect your pre amp to the 'eq' and then 'eq' to your power amp. pre amp 'out' goes into input of 'eq' output of 'eq' goes into power input.

I'm an idiot! I had the IC in the wrong jacks, but didn't think to switch them out to test! Anyways, THANKS! It sounds perfect!

The information you gave was great too, but that was my original connection. I wanted to use XLR interconnects into the Power amp, not RCA.   
Guys, just entertain me with another BOSE question, do you think the should be better looped or through the Processor jacks? Just your opinion!
roddyboy, i use RCA connections. if you have a separate pre amp and power amp, i have mine connected the way i explained it. if you have a receiver with pre out main in i would use those. if you don't have that, then your only choice is to go thru the tape moniter connections.