All solid vibrating surfaces generate shear wave interference which alters the original intended signal. All fuses have a solid element which is modulated by the signal that travels thru that element. Circuit breakers and my preference magnets are less prone to modulation and vibration created by the passing of signal. They will generate less interference by design or by material or both. Much of this interference in a standard fuse will be reflected back and forth along the conductor...because of the change in boundary speed and shape at either end of the element.
My observations and experience tells me there is more cause to use a improved conductor type on the ac side than on the dc side. There is an audible improvement on both ac and dc I apply to both. By nature there is more noise and therefore more shear wave interference on the ac side than the dc side of things.
Some fuse sellers apply damping materials to alter or reduce interfering energy which will travel along the wire.They may not know why.
The application of differing damping materials directly to a conductor will alter its shear wave velocity and also the speed at any intersecting boundary. The designer may have noticed a sonic difference when bees wax, is applied to a conductor vs candle wax,soy based or olive based material or a ceramic or a mineral. Any damping material will alter amplitude and frequency. I always search for a work around of any such material or method.
Every solid material has a different velocity, a change in material will alter the speed and a change in shape will alter direction and again a change in polarity. These factors and events occur in all audio systems because all the solid materials that make up any system are in a continual state of motion.
The fuse element is the most simple of all the solid conductors in any audio system . Its understanding and refinement of application could be applied to all other solid materials and shapes in a sound system. Interferring energy in many devices can be removed with the use of another solid material and terminated with a shape that reflects signal off and away from the signal pathway.Tom