I have the Classe DR-25 and love it.
My system:
Audio Research LS-9
Theta David
Bel Canto DAC2
Transparent Super interconnects
Martin Logan SL3 speakers
The Martin Logans require a lot of power, and the Classe never fails to deliver. Additionally, the SL3 has a poorer integration of the stat and woofer than other Martin Logans, yet the Classe has such command over the woofer that I no longer notice the variation. Also, it's incredibly sweet on good recordings and extremely detailed, yet is forgiving enough to make very enjoyable music even on my old 80's CD's. I took a chance on the DR-25 because I got a great deal on Audiogon a while back and I'm pleased I did. I paid about 1200 plus shipping, and I imagine that with power hungry speakers it would best even top-rated amps such as the BAT VK-200. It certainly beat the later model Classe CA-150's that I tried with the SL3's at my dealers.
My system:
Audio Research LS-9
Theta David
Bel Canto DAC2
Transparent Super interconnects
Martin Logan SL3 speakers
The Martin Logans require a lot of power, and the Classe never fails to deliver. Additionally, the SL3 has a poorer integration of the stat and woofer than other Martin Logans, yet the Classe has such command over the woofer that I no longer notice the variation. Also, it's incredibly sweet on good recordings and extremely detailed, yet is forgiving enough to make very enjoyable music even on my old 80's CD's. I took a chance on the DR-25 because I got a great deal on Audiogon a while back and I'm pleased I did. I paid about 1200 plus shipping, and I imagine that with power hungry speakers it would best even top-rated amps such as the BAT VK-200. It certainly beat the later model Classe CA-150's that I tried with the SL3's at my dealers.