Jadis JA30 Mk2, how great???

The new Jadis JA30 Mk2 is now on my radar. Does anyone here have any experience with this amp...thoughts?

Would seem to be in the sweet spot of the Jadis line.
Guys, what era of Jadis are we talking about here? IMHO, the current mk 2 versions have a different sound than in the past. The new KT150’s are, again IMHO, a lot more revealing and full range than any of the prior tubes that I have heard.
When I heard Jadis amps in the past, I thought they all had a slightly too warm signature, however, I do feel that the new versions have gone away from that warmth and added a certain increase in neutrality, that I find exceptional. The mids and highs are still great, although I also think they are resolved more than in the past.
Tube rolling is always a good idea, although IME one has to be careful, as you can go backwards just as easily as you can go forwards.
I’m certainly listening to my current tubes for a while to get really used to their sound before I roll in NOS or other tubes.
@inna, the best person to offer opinion here would be my very close friend, The Doctor (Mechans), as he’s owned the DA60 and JMlabs loudspeakers at the same time, and brings an incredible wealth of knowledge.

Personally, I feel the larger (4+ output tubes) Jadis amplifiers would represent an ideal match with the JMlabs speakers. Especially, given your insight. My Orchestra Reference offers fixed bias and 2 output tubes per side. As such, lower frequencies are not its strong suit, and that circuit topology presents a more forward presentation, neither of which would complement the Utopias. My DA30, while moving to cathode bias, also doesn’t present the best low frequency performance or control. However, when you move up to the DA60 / DA88S with two more output tubes per side, things really move to the top shelf. You get incredible soulful, rich, full-bodied sound, with the type of lower-end slam and performance that sits as the perfect foundation for the entire musical spectrum.

@daveyf, I’ve been around and own both older and more recent Jadis amplification. My amplifiers illustrate the evolution, though the differences don’t go anywhere as far as some try to tell me. So much of it comes down to output tube selection, as again, my experience has shown tubes more critical to the end result than most other amps I’ve encountered. The company tends to prefer the larger tube types, and have evolved from 6550 to KT90 to KT88 to KT120 to KT150 through the years for reasons related to sonics, reliability / durability, and availability. Personally, I prefer all of them with EL34 output tubes, as I feel the midrange rises to a level that few other products attain. 

Regardless of where you head, I hope you enjoy as long and wonderful relationship with your amplifier as I have, and excited to have you as part of the small group of Jadis owners
trelja, I think the Jadis mono blocks have a little more 'punch' than the integrated models. I would think that any of the mono amps ..with the possible exception of the JA15's, would work well on JM labs speakers. Have you heard any of the new Mk2 models with the KT 150's. I think these are, at least to my ears, superior sounding to the EL34's models that I have heard in the past. Nonetheless, you cannot really go wrong with any of them.
Trelja, thank you. I heard that Jadis has a cult following, just as Lamm. Different amps. I always think of a high-end set-up as the one with monoblocks.
I have now had the amazing Jadis JA30Mk2 in my system for a few months. Last night, after a long listening session, one thing struck me that these amps have more than any other amp I have heard....Resolution. I was playing the MFSL Anadisc Muddy Waters 'Folk Singer' LP. This LP is one of my go to LP's when it comes to Blues and the ability to hear how voice and guitar can sound. In the past, I was always aware of the fact that Buddy Guy was playing on this LP. He always seemed to be a homogenous part of the make up of the sound. Last night,and for the first time, I was made aware of how big a part Buddy actually plays on this LP!! Buddy's guitar was presented not as a homogenous part anymore, but as a very separate entity....and one that was allowing me to hear ( as a guitar player myself) when Buddy made the few mistakes that he did!! I'm fairly certain that most of you who have heard this LP have probably not heard the contribution as microscopically portrayed as the Jadis amps are able to bring to the fore. It was an eye opener to me, I have heard this LP on numerous occasions in the past, and never has Buddy's guitar sounded so very much in the room and as precise as it did last night. The JA 30 MK2's are so much more resolving ( this word is a cliche, but certainly applies in this instance) than any other amp I have heard in my system...so much so that the smallest sound and noise is resolved....almost uncanny!!