Another Free Tip That Yields Better Sound!

If you wear glasses, take them off when listening. It works for me. Those hard, reflective surfaces in close proximity to your ears...
Obviously, this tip only applies to listening to speakers, not headphones!!!

I listen naked, so I can feel the sound waves with my body hairs. Not free, though, because of bail
Nobody told you clothing is mandatory for in-store auditions?


I've posted the glasses thing a few years ago....its true.   Another thing is if you don't have carpet, put a small rug in front of each speaker.
@stringreen , sorry, didn't know you already had covered this. Ironically, Jim Smith very briefly touches on this topic in his book, yet all the illustrations show someone listening with their glasses on!!!

Smith is just a sales man - read books written by the top engineers in the field - here is a hint one of them heads up an entire lab that JBL built for him...

re rugs - ASC tells me to use a big rug that fits under both speakers and covers all the area from there to the listening chair

maybe wear a QRD hat too...