These speakers are better than thoes...
This format is better than that...
Artist don’t care how it’s "untended" to be heard. Format is not not part of thier intention, becoming a famous artist, or expressing art or opinion through music is the intention wether live or recored, and cd wasn’t always around to be format "of choice for intention"
My Avalon are NOT better than my ADS, MY upgrades Lascala are not BETTER than my Altec model 19 (when comparing orange to orange)
There is no bad speaker, or bad stereo, there is only a poor APPLICATION.
mp3 has a place, receivers have a place, inexpensive gear has a place ect. Tube vs. Solid state, there is no better or worse. This stuff aint human it can be better or worse. It’s our own individual preference. My OPINION does not make it better or worse because it cant be either.
Ever thought we have been chasing a pipe dream with the "best" system?
Maybe one is more "accurate"
Or smooth, or open, or articulate, or less fatigued, or dynamic, some can be measured.
It’s not better, it’s diffetent, and not my preferred sound.
I’ve owned, or still own and currently run all the systems I’ve mentioned. Always have 4-6 completely different setups hooked up in my home at different locations. Some are vinyl only,
solid state and tube alike. Horn and cone alone. Expensive and inexpensive, not
Better and worse.
My point, if your all missing it, is the terminology. Incorrect use of the term causes chasing of tail in audio pursuit
For ME. So, I’ve decided within myself to use it for what it was INTENDED,
Which is my employment. I really like my Lascala setup with tube mono amps, Fisher 400cx preamp,
And I thoroughly enjoy a receiver and ADS speakers,
For the garage? There is no BETTER application (to me) of gear that a simple cheap integrated and Bluetooth media access to my networks. (Which has 3tb of high res access) cheap and convenient!
Btw, I'm not looking for agreement, or cosigners. My OPINION is not a discussion. I've expressed how I feel from 30 years of listening and running (chasing) thousands of pieces and the "better"bug. Dont let the better bug bite, spend your time listening to the music instead. The wheel hasnt been changed in a long time, yup. Round does indeed work best. Still, the fuzz on my ADS domes no longer rules my life, acceptance was not the key. Un-acceptance was.
I simply will not accept the better bug, and my life is better for it. Even in aspects OUTSIDE audio.
For the most part... cuz I do relapse from time to time..;)