The Worst Speaker you have ever heard.

This should be thought provoking. What is the worst speaker, or the most over-rated, over-priced, over-hyped speaker you have ever heard. Have you ever had speakers that you now wished you had kept?
'and most speakers with Fostex full range cone.'

I'll have to disagree with that comment. I would say the Fostex F200a full range cone Is as good as anything out there. Its mid range is so revealing. To my humble shell likes anyway.

KCS- Makes excellent speakers and subwoofers.

09-26-07: Audiofeil
>>I've never heard a good subwoofer made by a speaker company.<<

IMO Vandersteen does both quite well.

Audiofeil, they may well, and I would not presume to disagree with you. I certainly haven't heard every offering in the world. Mostly I was making a blanket statement for humorous effect.
>>George Bush...?

well, lots of people still believe that iraq had WMD, that Saddam Hussein was involved with 9/11, and that the world is flat. he must be a good speaker.
As a matter of fact Audiofiel feels so strongly about Vandersteen that he said so in Stereo. ;)
>>Mostly I was making a blanket statement for humorous effect.<<

Oh, sorry I missed that.