Anyone With A Class 'D' Amp Play A 4 or 2 Ohm Speaker?

Anyone with a Class D amp play a 4 ohm speaker that dipped to 2 ohms.

I have a pair of Infinity Kappa 9 speakers that are nominal 4 ohm speakers that sometimes drop to 2 or 1 ohms.

Anyone here with a class D amp play speakers that dip down to ohms this low?
Anyone have experience running them with Quad electrostatics, which go down to 2 ohms in the high frequencies.  Considering for a pair of stacked quads. 
Oh, I should point something out. ICEPower does very well with low impedance in the bass, less so with electrostats (more or less).

Hypex, at least technically, does better with low impedance in the treble. Again, More or less, and YMMV. :)


Mitch, are you using the speakers with their "extended/normal" switch in the "extended" position (which iirc seemed to be the most commonly preferred setting), or in the "normal" position?

In the "extended" mode the Kappa 9 goes down below 0.8 ohms at multiple bass frequencies, where lots of energy is typically required. The "normal" mode is not quite as severe, but is still very challenging.

Also, regarding the mention that was made of operating Adcom 555s in bridged mode, keep in mind that a bridged amplifier will "see" a load impedance equal to the speaker impedance divided by 2. In other words, less than 0.4 ohms at multiple bass frequencies if the speaker is in "extended" mode.

-- Al

I’m happily using ICEpower based monoblocks on a pair of 4 ohm rated floorstanders with 12" woofers. I drive these hard, without a hiccup from my amps. However, they are a traditional design, not electrostats.

I’d listen to Erik, he tends to know of what he speaks.