Most overrated bands

What are some examples of seriously overrated bands? My candidates are

1. Led Zeppelin
2. Velvet Underground
3. U2
4. Ramones
5. The Who
<tomcarr> I think Classical music (Opera included if it's in a different language) is so popular is because its near impossible to think, study or follow a line of thought whilst vocal music is being played. Non- vocal is a non intrusive pleasure - see 6 hour plus YouTube guitar music videos etc. Perfect background / subliminal music.

I find that whilst driving I prefer stations with the least speech content. Great presenters are few and far between here in the UK.

Cd318 - I would direct you to BBC 6 Music. A pure music station with some of the best and most knowledgeable presenters from around the world. Minimal chat and, as it’s BBC, no adverts. A perfect radio station that covers every genre of music.
kb54 for the win.
That said... boomerang, Are you just messing with us audiophile folk? Personally I really think you would like the bands you mention above if you used better cable or fuses.