The Worst Speaker you have ever heard.

This should be thought provoking. What is the worst speaker, or the most over-rated, over-priced, over-hyped speaker you have ever heard. Have you ever had speakers that you now wished you had kept?
Ensemble (made in Switzerland) mini monitors...dreadful. This was back in '94.They had excellent reviews in both TAS and Stereophile. Mid/woofer made out of what looked like a styrofoam cup. It was driven by FM Acoustics amp and preamp, so that wasn't the culprit. Anyway, there was no treble, mids, or bass to be had. It was like listening through wet burlap bags. So, I took 'em back on store credit. I got some Pro Acs which I didn't open and quickly sold to try and get some money back.

The cost of these pieces of crap? $7000 USD.

I called Urs Wagner in Switzerland and told him he is a crook. I still feel that way today. Screw him and his crappy company.
Hey Dave ..... eighteen years later, and still so much anger ??? Get over it man. Didn't you audition the speakers before you bought them ? If not, who's to blame ?
Worst speakers I ever heard are the ones I listen to daily at work. Crappy little boombox with nothing but about 1 watt of the worst midrange you can imagine, no bass, no treble. In order for us to hear it at all, we place it in a metal bowl to amplify what I would consider the worst sounding radio ever. Most overly rated would be bose. All boom hiss! I chuckle inside whenever I tell someone that I've become a stereo geek and then, in a poor attempt to relate, they tell me about some bose system that they recently heard that knocked there socks off. I usually just smile and say "yeah, bose sounds great!!" and walk off shaking my head.
Hi Adam,

Well, if they cost you $7000, which anyway you slice it, isn't chump change, and lost a lot of money on the deal, you would feel the same way.

Anyway, yes I did audition them, but it was very briefly @ CES '93. Yes, I did make a mistake by going by that. But, a lot of people have gotten burned in this hobby. I know I'm not the only one. You live and learn.

Take care.