Transfiguration cartridges. What tube phono stages would you use them with ?

Not much talk about them, but I know that some in the know really like them.
My dealer uses the Transfiguration Axia and Proteus with the Zesto phono stage.  Sounds superb.  Let me know if you want to connect with him and I'll pass on his info.  
A vey good OP. I think one has to be VERY careful matching up an ultra low output cartridge, like the Proteus, with a tube phono stage. I'm not sure if the answers above factor in what is the users typical gain settings, and vis a vis room size, etc. I very strongly suspect that this cartridge would be too noisy with my CAT tube phono stage. Plus, i have a very small room!
Have heard the Proteus with EAR and Ypsilon tubed phono stages.   Phenomenal.  No noise issues.  Both have excellent SUTs.
This is an inquiry, I don't have a Transfiguration cartridge, simply seeking advice regarding possible future upgrades. It appears that this brand is in a very high esteem by those in the know, and the Axis model is, well, not too expensive.
I heard that Ypsilon phono stage is an absolute top level period. Priced accordingly. I like the recommendation of Allnic, even the entry level should be quite good. I know that Ralph uses Transfiguration and he is serious about vinyl so no surprise here.
I am totally unfamiliar with EAR, TW and Viva gear. I can see that the cartridges work well with quite different excellent brands. The output is quite low .4mv for Axis and Phoenics but not the lowest, they are not heavy either. I guess, they would work in Nottingham arm.