@pops I would love to own a pair of MBL speakers as well. I have my eye on the MBL starter system - $33.4k. It includes the MBL 126 Speakers/stands, C31 CD/DAC, and C51 integrated amp. I heard this system about a year and a half ago at a dealer event and thought it was very very good. I plan to go audition it again in the new year. -I also heard the Noble line mono blocks with the 101 E MKII speakers on the same day and the MBL 126 sounded pretty similar, just with the
101 E MKII providing more of the same. MBL seem to have their house sound figured out across lines.
FYI - I've heard a number of their speakers including the 116, 111, 101 E MKII, and the 101 x-treme. To me, they are all fantastic. I've also heard all three lines of electronics and I like all-MBL systems very much. YMMV but I'd highly recommend you find an audition. -I've heard MBL many times and I always walk away very much enjoying the quality of the sound and they are on my short list when I build a new system. Also, they are usually, for me, in the top 1-4 at audio shows and have been number 1 for me a few times. Just a fabulous sound.