804 d3 amplification

whats the best amp/integrated amp to drive 804d3’s ?
would MAC 7200 be a good choice ? does it have enough juice ?
I've heard b&w's are hungry for power.

Hello czechu82

With a budget under $10,000 I would try a Marantz PM10. If your budget is under $5,000 I would try a Marantz PM14 S1, Krell Vanguard or a NuPrime IDA-16.

Good luck; The Bowers and Wilkins 804 D3 is a great speaker.


Thanks for advice !
Yeah...That’s what i’m afraid of. 804 d3’s maybe to bright wirh mac7200.
What about MC275 tube amp? would it be warmer and more natural in sound ?
And CLASEE  witch many people recommend. but how these 2 compare?
I want to get most natural , mellow sound possible
What is the budget?  At a reasonable price point I would recommend a W4S ST500 preceded by the best tube preamp you can afford.  In my case, I use a VAC Renaissance.  This is an outstanding combo on my N802's.

I own McIntosh solid state and it is anything but bright.  Lush comes to mind.
Here I go again. Get a BAT VK-300SE fitted with NOS 6H30 "DR" tubes. Shouldn't cost more than 4-5k total. My 804 D3s delivered yesterday. I'm listening to this combination as I type (BAT & B&W).
Don't sound bad for day 2. Try getting the BAT with a serial number whose last three digits are 400 or greater. These are less that 10 years old.