If you think the SPU is great for old records then it’s as "great" as many other generic cartridges (MC or MM), nothing special for old records IMO. But from the stylus profile point of view the benefit of playing old vinyl with Shibata (Line Contact) stylus is obvious because the groove walls on old vinyl are in better condition and only Line Contact can touch these virgin part of the groove walls, the rest of the groove walls on old vinyl (from the 50s, 60s, 70s) is most likely worn by cheap conical tip from that old era. And tonal balance of the cartridge can’t help you in this aspect, unfortunately. It’s all about how to extract the music from the vinyl groove and stylus is responsible for that. The situation is different with new records, maybe some people just like the oldschool sound of that SPU cartridges, but some people are happy even with 78rpm records. It has nothing to do with the sound quality, just personal preferences.
For me the stylus profile does metter.