Power Cords

I currently have Wireworld Silver Electra power cords with upgraded Platinum plugs. I had two 1M Wireworld Platinum power cords, but rearranged my system and required longer cords. Yesterday I borrowed two Shunyata Sigma NR power cords. On the first note my wife softly said, "that sounds better". She said it was clearer. I listened for a couple hours, changing the power cords a couple of times. In my system and to my ears this is my conclusion:
The Sigma's are cleaner, definitely has more bass, a dead silent and completely black background. The Wireworld cords are more detailed, with a wider soundstage and better spacing/separation of instruments. All things considered I'll keep my Wireworld, but I'm curious to listen to other power cords.
After inserting the Sigma's I just don't understand how anyone that listened to different power cords could conclude that they can't hear a difference. There is a difference, but like any other component the individual has to decide if the change is worth it. $6K for two power cords is relatively expensive. Expensive, but oddly maybe a good value? In my system there was a definite improvement with better bass impact and articulation. Would spending $6K or just changing amplifiers yield similar results? As with most components there are trade-offs...is there a power cord out there that has the benefits of the Sigma's and Wireworld Silver Electra's? If so, at what cost?  
People forget that differences between cables are a lot bigger than they think. You only can understand the DNA of a cable, when you can extract all the different properties of sound.

When you would use an audio system what is able to reveal all the different properties you can find in music and sound there are many cables where you will even loose properties of sound and music.

What we do is let people listen to a system what can reveal all the properties compared to systems which are incomplete and misses different properties. By focussing property by property people can easily understand what is missing

Audio only can be controled and guided when you are aware of all the properties of each individual part in your audio system. When you cannot do this, audio is just one big gamble. Based on the fact that you have no idea which properties you take out when you change an amp, cable, source, or loudspeaker. And when you have no idea which properties you bring in when it will be replaced by another amp, cable, source or loudspeaker.

The Dragon powercables are using silver. Both the Wild and Wel showed the same kind of limitations based on the fact that it usses silver.

Silver is for powercables often not the right material. It works different than silver in interconnects and loudspeakercables.

Even Jim Aud says that copper works a lot better for powercables than silver. He only sells one pure silver powercables based on the fact that clients asked for it.

Both Wel and Wild did not convince in any test I did. The Dragon will be superior to the Wel like it is a dinky toy. Audioquest can create stunning powercables for the first time ever.

This is a great achievement. The conditioners I don’t like based on the fact that they showed not to be complete in properties. I said to Audioquest Europe that they should invite the person who created them.

I can easily explain and demo why it is incomplete. It is very simple like 1 and 1 is 2. Each person with a normal hearing will understand it.


I get what you're saying, but everyone can't afford the Audioquest power cords that you are referring to. So what you're saying is mute to so many of us.
I think even the more affordable will be great. It is the used technique and design what makes them so much better than the older ones.

The older ones where not good enough, because there were better ones. The only thing what I liked about them was that they owned the right properties.
@bo1972  Out of curiosity, what exactly is the cable architecture that makes the audioquest cables so good, in your view? 
This is no trick question, I'm very curious and very much into cable DIY and am sincere in my questions.
We work by Tru-Fi. Tru-Fi are all the different properties on which both sound&vision are founded.

This is a different level than the trial and error (audiogambling) way all people choose there audiosystems. It is superior in efficiency based on the fact that you create sound by properties.

For me it is easy as 1 and 1=2 to explain to people that their audiosystem is incomplete. Trial and error will never make you understand why the stage and sound is what you hear.

You only can understand audio when you understand both sound and music. So you need to be able to know the full DNA of each individual part in your system.

At audioshows systems are in over 99% incomplete based on the fact that the people have no idea what the properties are of each individual part of the system they demonstrate.

Beside the properties they don’t understand the working of the acoustics. And second they do not know all the different parts which also have a bad influence on the sound and stage like the acoustics.

That is why they all do audio at the level of a child. And I can explain this why it is called the level of a child?

A child has a lot less experience and insight in many ’new’ situations compared to adults. When you have no idea about the properties you have no idea what you are doing. There is no effective foundation on which you select your audiosystem.

People believe that they can choose an audio system on personal taste by trial and error. I can proof and again on facts that this is bullshit. No person in the world will ever choose blind a system what is incomplete. This is based on how our emotion works.

Based on the fact that each single person will always choose the sound and stage what owns the most properties. And that these properties are filled in the right way.

By using Tru-Fi we also work on how the human emotion works. Both sound and vision is emotion. So you need to understand how the human emotion works regarding both sound and vision.

When an audiosystem owns more properties it is able to create a higher level in emotion for each single person. You will always choose the most emotional and intense sound you hear. People explain it as more attractive and intense during listening.

Beside this you need to understand how voices and instruments sounds in real and how big they are in proportion. It even goes furhter than that. Even a voice or instrument has a shape in the room where you audition it.

When you work that precise as we do, you can even hear the shape and right proportion of a voice or instrument like in real.

Tru-Fi is a control system that you use all the properties on which sound is being formed. And it proofs and shows that most systems are incomplete on properties.

We do a lot of research in both sound&vision all the time. And this for almost 20 years now. Tru-Fi makes you understand better how sound and vision is build and how it really works.

I started with sound when I was 6. I am addicted to music, so you want to be able to experience music as realistic as possible. I have done thousands of tests (many thought that this was a joke) in almost 20 years now.

For me music and sound are the most addictive things in life. A born perfecionist nevers stops untill he dies. I can improve sound and vision each 2 months over and over agian.

The thousands of tests gave me a photographic memory in sound. This makes it very easy to understand if a new situation is better than the old one.

I am looking for an improved level all the time. Both sound and vision are a lot more complex than people can imagine. You need to know exactly all the properties and all the parts who have a bad influence on both sound and vision.

This makes me able to understand what I hear and see. When you know all the parameters you can improve both sound and vision all the time by doing tests. It makes it so much easier to understand.

Audioquest owns all the different properties of sound and fill them in the right way. But I also found out that their conditioners are not complete. And it proves for me that the person who created it, does not understand all the properties on which sound is being based on.

Ricred1 bought a Fire and was amazaed how much better it was than his Wireworld. This can easily be explained. It owns more different properties. His speakers are able to reveal all part on which sound is based on.

Most people have no idea that they own an audiosystem what is incomplete. But Tru-Fi can easily proof it and even based on facts. People always understand what we mean and what is missing.

We don’t sell separate products, we create sound by Tru-Fi. I will never help any person anymore who owns 2D loudspeakers. This is based on thr fact that no person in the world will ever become happy and satisfied with this system.

And you know why?

Because we humans hear sound in a 3D spectrum. So it would be even insane to listen to music in a 2D spectrum what over 99% do in the world.

We brought many many people since 2009 from 2D image to a 3D image. They have one thing is common.

Thye use their systems so much more and frequently. Many call their systems addictive. That is what music can do when your system can reveal all the information of a recording.