Primaluna Dialogue Premium vs VPI 299D?

I am currently a satisfied Primaluna Prologue Premium integrated owner, but  as I really like acoustic, jazz, and more intimate sounding music just as much as I like rock, indie, soul and electronic I am considering upgrading to an integrated that has the ability to operate in triode mode and I’ve come across the opportunity to get a VPI 299D at a decent price. Does anyone have any experience on the sonic and quality differences between the Dialogue Premium integrated and the VPI 299D? Any strong opinions on whether I should stick to Primaluma?

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I don't know about it's sound, but I sure like the aesthetics of the VPI---like the Marantz Model 7 pre-amp.
 The PL Dialogue Premium operates in both triode and ultralinear mode by flipping the switch on the left side? I have never heard the VPI but the PL is very versatile by swapping out multiple types of power tubes and 12AU7. 
@samzx12 The VPI operates in a similar fashion, with the ability to switch between triode and UL mode. They also carry a similar tube setup. Differences are:

Primaluna Dialogue Differentiators
* Home Theater source input allows for receivers with line outs to come into the amp as a source and bypasses the PL's volume settings.
* Has a pre-out for subs
* Has adaptive autobias (which is both good and bad in my opinion as I've had a few hotter tubes trigger warnings when I don't think they really should)

VPI 299D Differentiators
* Uses a tube rectifier (where PL's is solid state)
* Has independent bias switches and meter to measure tubes
* Is more point-to-point wiring than the PL (PL uses more circuit boards)
* Has bass and treble controls (can also be good or bad depending on how much of a purist the listener is)

I did end up swinging for the 299D since I didn't want to pass up on the opportunity, but I'd still like to hear from those who might have compared the two as I have an opportunity to return the 299D if I am not fully satisfied. I will also report back in a week or so if nobody else is able to chime in.