So how many people jumped on the PS Audio Black Friday Sale For The BHK Amps And Pre Amp?

I just wondered how many people on this site jumped on the aggressive deals that were offered?
I wonder if its a success if more audio companies will jump on the bandwagon next year!
Thanks In Advance
Not in the market for a pre or power amp but it is a generous offer from PS Audio.  Not surprised.  Paul McGowan is a great guy who is trying to leave a positive mark on the industry and audiophiles.

If you sign up to receive them he sends an email everyday where he answers a question sent into him by others interested in quality sound on a video.  Quite informative and it reveals his affable nature. NOT a sales pitch.  Very refreshing.
Agree on the general positive vibe about dealing with PS Audio - always have had good dealings as a customer.  The sale seems to be presented as a temporary discount but you can often find new PS Audio amps on Amazon for heavily discounted prices (way below MSRP). Not sure how those prices get set, they seem very elastic,  but I suspect few other high end companies will follow that particular tack. 
I believe that the amps and preamp at the special price is a very positive option for someone in the market, and I do receive Pauls daily message.
I ordered a preamp to go with my DirectStream DAC and BHK 250.  I was happy without a preamp, but thought I’d give the preamp a try at the great price they offered.
I doubt that other companies will follow suit. If you offer aggressive deals then your business becomes hooked on sales discounting because people won't buy during the year and instead will wait for the holiday sales.