Legacy Studio HD


I was hoping to get some first hand impressions from anyone that owns these..... any comments would be appreciated

Send me your contact info if you’re interested in chatting—Jay.levine@outlook.com

Please contact us we are Legacy dealers and we could offer you a return to any of our other monitors which we sell and we sell a lot of them we are Paradigm, Dali, Kef, and PSB dealers so I am sure you could find another montior you would like if the Legacy's didn't float your boat.

The Studio's are fantastic for the money as are all Legacy's speakers.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
I owned the Studio HD's, beautifully finished and very nice sound, great all-around performer.  Very easy to drive.  I eventually replaced them with Ryan R610's which in my system, did everything just slightly better.
Thanks for the replies....   I'm thinking about small footprint floor standers too and listened to a few this weekend...  thanks again for all that replied.   Speakers are the one item I guess I'm afraid to purchase without listening first.   Ironically the one and only speaker I purchased online I really miss...  PSB Platinum M2.   But I had listened to them when I was buying a sub so not a blind purchase.   I often buy used but honestly I like to support local brick and mortar shops when I buy new....