Why is the snake oil topic closed?

Because debunking certain aftermarket accessories might affect Audiogon’s revenue? I don’t get it. There were points to be made. It was just getting "good."
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Albert Einstein is the most intelligent and human individual walked the Earth, with Stephen Hawking, Charles Darwin, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton close behind. They are scientist and they seriously believe in rational and scientific approach to things, natural sciences to be exact. Everything else is voodoo. And so is the all pseudo stuff of today´s society, including audio. Pseudo/believers´ audio existed already thirty years ago IME. For me as a novice it was quite a hard road to ignore all the hype and BS that was going on in audio, and "best music" as well. Well, when many "experts" started to rave about "CD´s superiority", some even about its perfection in sound quality, I learned my first lesson of sneak oil. Never trust other´s fantasies, and never looked back.

People who dis natural sciences in anyway are just mourons.
Anyone who even tries to belittle Einstein´s work both as a human being and a scientist is good for nothing, honestly just another damn nazi or commie :^) All isms are snake oil.

I have always wondered is it only me who thinks why Einstein was/is so hated by certain people, because he was a jew... Or Jesus Christ because he was/is a humanist, in the first place ...

And yes, this is just another stoopid thread as many have said. Period.
Zen … and the Art of Debunkery
Or, How to Debunk Just About Anything

“While informed skepticism is an integral part of the scientific method, professional debunkers — often called ‘kneejerk skeptics’ — tend to be skeptics in name only, and to speak with little or no authority on the subject matter of which they are so passionately skeptical.”
– Dan Drasin, author of Zen and the Art of Debunkery

Kneejerk skeptics. Good one! Pseudo skeptics react to words, not the meaning behind the words. Quantum mechanics. Quantum Teleportation. Information field. Mind-matter interaction. Electromagnetism. Photon. Graphene. This thread is going along in typical herky jerky fashion.

jl351,756 posts11-28-2017 5:20pm+1 czarivey . certainly if someone wants to be a consumer advocate, the insurance industry and big pharma seems a much more productive arena than high end audio products...Enter your text ...

I realize you believe you’re on some kind of mission. But Im on a bigger mission. A much bigger mission. In fact, I’m financing YOUR mission.

<geoffkait> I have always wondered is it only me who thinks why Einstein was/is so hated by certain people, because he was a jew... Or Jesus Christ because he was/is a humanist, in the first place ...

No one likes a smartarse. Here in the UK Newton is almost totally ignored by the education system, as are Pythagoras, Euclid, Archimedes, etc.

There's a point where the rest of us get left behind and then naturally lose interest. With someone like Einstein that happens so easily. And then there's Quantum Physics.

Ultimately we can blame the dealers for selling snake oil and also ourselves for being so gullible. Human beings do seem to be pretty obstinate/defensive in their beliefs. Debunking combined with the absence of any supporting evidence still makes no difference to what they believe.
Logical, we are not.