Age old discussion I know but MM or MC? Benefits?

Some mighty long discussions on this already here but I need a refresher!
Having decided to upgrage my phono amp to a Dynavector p75 mk3 I am now wondering about my cartridge.
At present I have a Clearaudio Emotion 4 table with a Clearaudio Artist v2 cartridge.
What are main difference between mm and mc that I could expect to actually hear?
And lomc and homc? What is all that about?
Sorry if this has been thrashed to death already but just trying to get a laymans understanding if possible.
Thank you for the very usefull information.
The previous owner has included in the sale some original oil and a spare belt which is very nice. But the contact for future reference is helpful.
I will likely try it on maple blocks first as I have quite a few different size blocks around the place.
I don't know about the Shelter cartridge, but with my Goldring MM it took me some patience to set the anti-skate right. It was slightly better in one position with some music and slightly better in another with other music, but these were very small steps.  With VTA set by ear I ended up with the arm in parallel but you have very different and heavier cartridge.
Yeah, Larry should be able to assist you in dialing it in if you need it.
Oh yes, it is much better to overfill with the oil than underfill. One bottle is good for five times, I think. It is recommended to change the oil once a year if you play it a lot and every 18 months if you don't. Besides getting small metal particles in it, oil gets consumed, burnt.
lohanimal, What was "different" about the MMC series of cartridges from B&O?  I think of them as "not MC" (MM or MI without having done any research).  I ask this out of genuine ignorance.  I own an MMC2.  Thanks.
@uberwaltz , I just replaced a Soundsmith Zephyr MKII High Output MI with a Lyra Delos (MC). The Delos is still breaking in, however, I cannot understate what an impact this has had already on my system. I would say, to my ears, I've almost doubled the sound quality. It sounds as though a veil has been lifted, the highs are sweet and not muddled and I've gained additional separation of air and instruments has.