What is your favorite budget audio component?

Just wondering for the sake of curiosity and general sharing and education among audiophiles, “What is your favorite budget audio component?” And as a bonus, “Why do you consider it budget and why is it good?” 
Since budget might be relative, I would say audio gear like MBL, Wilson MAXX speakers or anything ultra high end should not be considered.

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PSB X2T Floor Standing Speakers.  More than budget, these are all about value. 
+1 on the Adcom GFA-555.  Considering recapping.   Biamping a pair of Vandersteen 2Ci speakers.   Thinking of getting a GFP-750 
I'll second the ZDac from Parasound. It really shouldn't be as good as it is :-). Also if you're a DIY'er, you can make some crazy good power cables using Oyaide Tunami cable. 
Jelco 750 tonearm.
BLE Design power cables on eBay.
Belkin AV20302-06 RCA interconnects. 
Albert Porter Ports AC receptacles.

KingKo Audio KA-101 amplifier and CD-301 cd player.
I own the CD player and it is superb! I also love the amplifier, but already own too many and my wife is stopping me from getting this one...
Prices are fair and the quality of the equipment easily outperforms far more expensive gear.