Neil Young Concert tonight - free streaming

Neil Young Concert

Streaming details here.

Outside of Canada

For people living outside of Canada, the concert will be live streamed on Facebook (the Facebook stream will not be available to Canadian residents) — visit this link for details.

Still has his voice. 
Streaming through the stereo is too much delay so wearing the headphones for this through the laptop. .  

"Still has his voice" ! ;-). I kid; Neil doesn't have much of an instrument, but it's an expressive one, and very unique. I have recently finally heard his best song, "Powderfinger". Love it!
Powderfinger is a great song Eric.  

I really like the Cowboy Junkies rendition of it on the Caution Horses album. 


Margo is easier on the eyes too - 8^0

150 lucky people in Omemee last night. 
I remember catching my first Musky in the 70's on one of the nearby lakes.  :^).