
What Is wrong with ansuz cable ? 35k for a power cord, 25k for phono cable. Complete cabling for one system is around half a million. This is getting so ridiculous 
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35K for a power cord? The full list on a 2M D-TC power cord is 20K in US dollars. Have you heard it let alone compare it?
@shadorne - re: ....

A coiled cable acts like a choke or an inductor. Similar to air core inductors in many speaker crossovers. This will filter out high frequencies and result in rolled off high frequencies in your audio.
You are correct - however -the amount of inductance and it’s effect on the audio signal is related to the diameter of the coil, number of windings and the spacing of the coil windings.

Also, the coils (i.e. in my helix design) has the signal wire passing through the centre of it
- doesn’t that make it more like a transformer?
- does that have an effect on the overall inductance?

I cannot talk to the Ansuz cables, but I can say with certainty that the coil on my Helix design is designed such that it has no effect on the high frequencies. Others I have consulted with confirm the inductance at play would not effect the audible frequency range.

Also, if you look at my helix design you will note the twisted neutral. This, together with the coil spacing and coil diameter I believe reduces the overall effect of inductance from the coil to very low levels.

My helix cables are the most detailed and well balanced cables I have ever tried and they stack up to some very pricey competition - top end is definitely not an issue.

Don’t get me wrong - $35k is far too much for speaker cables in my book, but the Helix geometry works extremely well - if implemented correctly.
