These forums will be the death of my wallet for sure
Now you have me looking on eBay at tape decks, thanks INNA! lol.
Tbh I am not too surprised by the majority opinions and findings
My 85 year old mother still uses her Grundig reel deck which is at least 50 years old! I remember when she was using my old JVC table, Trio amp and Akai cassette deck so she could transfer cassettes and vinyl onto her reels and still listens to them to this day!
I think she likes to watch the reels go round.....
She is also still using the Trio, JVC and the Akai and they are 39 to 40 years old too.
Last time I was there when she was playing some Tony Bennet if I remember, even though not my cup of tea at all, I do remember it sounding pretty darn good and very life like.
So easy to spend my hard earned cash nowadays, just browse eBay, read up a bit and push a few buttons on the keyboard and another toy could be winging its way towards me. Doh......