@inna Tell me your speakers and I'll tell you who you are

@inna. You said: "Tell me what speakers you choose and why and I'll tell you who you are."
ESL57. Love their see-through transparency. Fire away!
The key word is "fundamentally".
I have Michael Green Audio free resonance speakers, also called controlled resonance speakers. They have their limitations, but I don't listen to big scale music and anything at a very high volume.
Michael believes, as I do, that speakers are not only devices but also musical instruments. However, the full realization of this concept is I think nearly impossible. This should be the kind of instrument capable of reproducing all instruments in a convincing manner with full power.
Aside from rhythmical instruments, I like string instruments, starting with the most basic that each of us has - voice. I don't want stuffed speakers or excessively braced speakers, I want them to move and breath. These speakers are also very sensitive to even small changes in the system anywhere - I like it too. Vifa drivers in them are not bad at all, the crossover could've been made better, I suspect, there is some congestion in there somewhere, I guess. Coherence is good. Powerful and tuneful bass from that 8" driver with my amp but not overpowering. Excellent speed and dynamics, involving sound. Not the highest resolution or imaging sharpness but enough for me. Deep layered soundstage with the right cables and power cord on the integrated. Michael's used to be top of the line Chameleon speakers are great if you like this kind of sound, they were made in very limited numbers and personally voiced by him.
Speakers are musical instruments? That is the single most anti-hi-fidelity statement I have ever heard! Speakers reproduce the sound made by musical instruments, a VERY different thing from producing that sound in the first place. Musical instruments make sound unique to each instrument, each with it's own unique timbre and character. Speakers, ideally, have no sound of their own---a perfectly transparent, uncolored reproducer.
Anyway, speakers is a woman, woman sings, so the choice is all important.She should not be perfect or she will sound artificial, too correct and boring. At least, that's my 'animalistic' view.
@inna & the OP....*G*  This strikes me as a form of reading tea leaves or the lines in ones' palms...'subject to interpretation'. ;)

...but I'll 'lurk' and watch....*S*  Please do continue...