Why is the snake oil topic closed?

Because debunking certain aftermarket accessories might affect Audiogon’s revenue? I don’t get it. There were points to be made. It was just getting "good."
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Whitestix wrote,

” Yet if you, for example, choose to purchase one or a dozen of GK’s tweaks and find them to enhance to a considerable degree your listening pleasure, then by all means do so and don’t give a thought to the snake oil deniers. But don’t get your nose out of joint when these folks provide contrary rational responses to those perceptions you are having.”

Huh? That’s pretty weird since you are one of the most vociferous of the anti tweakers. This is just another excellent example of the new Do What I Say not What I Do style of naysayers and tweakaphobes, pretending to seek the high ground. Pretending to be open minded.

Some examples of Whitestix not so moderate posting,

“Kosst is my audio muse and tells it like it is.  GK espouses nothing but nonsense as usual. I certainly get the notion of run-in of gear -- speakers for darn sure, and tubes and electronics to a lesser degree, as well as wire.”

“High anxiety and OCD runs rampant in society, with sellers guilting folks into buying products of little or no utility.  It is nowhere worse than among audio-fools.  The "fuse-heads" have got the syndrome to a greater degree than most others.  I think for some folks, the propensity for self-delusion is rather unbridled.  At any rate, I like the way you think. “

“Geoff has as comrade in arms with Teo weighing in on the question raised by the OP.  I hear nothing but pablum from the two of them.  Kooky nonsense, really.  However, if there is some benefit from elevating speaker cable, then get a saw and cut u...”

“Geoff, regardless of the SR tweaks I have auditioned and returned, I have never lost my senses to the degree that would motivate me to try a single one of your idiotic tweaks.  Your stuff takes the cake for getting audio-fools to part with their c...”

"Never engage in conversation with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"  - Mark Twain
Did the floodgates just open for the knuckledraggers to come into the discussion? 😳
You can always tell a losing proposition in any area when the purveyor instinctively turns to personal attacks and namecalling when challenged on a topic.

Moops - you say I was challenged? When? By whom? What topic?  😀