Why is the snake oil topic closed?

Because debunking certain aftermarket accessories might affect Audiogon’s revenue? I don’t get it. There were points to be made. It was just getting "good."
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So I took my 6 foot California King out of his cage today. I didn’t get any oil , but he deficated on my shirt . And I’ve stood toe to toe with Charles Manson . He is  ( was ) a skinny,  whiny little Ditch Bank Okie . He spent his life in protective custody ( called SENSATIVE NEEDS in the Ca. System) . He was a Window Warrior , that’s a loud mouth that hides behind something safe . Does it really matter wether  someone wears a pocket protector or drags their knuckles ?   It’s Audiogon.                                                So here’s an unrelated SNAKE OIL STORY - My brother in law is a chiropractor, a very good one . So I’m watching him work on a patient using “ MUSCLE REFLEX TESTING “. Basically , he puts a patient in a position of poor leverage and asks them to push . Then he places a sample of a supplement under their tongue and repeats the process . If their strength to push does not increase , he tries a different supplement and repeats . When he concludes what works , he sells them that supplement .  It looks phony .           So now I decide to try it . Because I’m Family the treatment is free and supplements are at his cost . So we do the dance and it really works . I’ve done it many times over the years . But check this out . Just before a session I get a full blood panel done per my MD, like 6 vials of blood . Then he tests me and we write it all down . About 10 days later I get my labs back . Although the labs address significantly more items , the handful of deficiencies he notes coincide with my lab results . So my point is I BELIEVE in his testing . But I don’t need to make you believe or get offended if you don’t ! I Suggest things to others , but their experience my be different . Some tweaks are free , like putting a blanket over my 50” glass TV screen . Or listening to my stereo in the middle of the night when “ The Electricity is Quiet “. Some things work and some things don’t , that’s the fun . Some of you guys are way over my head intellectually , that’s cool . But it’s ALL ABOUT LOVE AND RESPECT ! So if anybody can loan me a little snake oil , I’d appreciate it . Now I have to go change my shirt . PS , I LOVE ALL OF YOU AND YOU CANT DO A DAMN THING ABOUT IT ! Mike. Hey Wolfie, I went to Foo Fighters last night , it was fantastic!
Gee whiz, Moopers, I thought you was all all dried out. Now you got me thinkin’. Maybe youse oughta consider turning herself in again.
Its a good idea to separate measurable and non measurable tweaks. I'm pretty certain that equipment isolation is fast becoming practice and will soon lose its tweak status.

And then there's unnecessary engineering, eg  where should you stop at, 20kHz, 40kHz, or 80kHz or not at all? 
We cannot move forwards without science, otherwise we could call in a Witch Doctor to cast a magic spell on our Hi-Fi. It'd probably work wonders for some....
psag wrote,

”We have all invested in our setups, financially and emotionally. Some then go the extra step and invest in tweaks. What we crave is certainty as to what these devices are doing to our listening experience. When clear answers are not forthcoming, we tend to force the issue, by forming fixed opinions and ideaologies, partially based on what we want to hear rather than what we are really hearing. When challenged, some of us become angry, i.e., defensive at the suggestion that we might have fallen victim to the snake oil salesman.

I have had several costly tweaks in my system for some years now. Were I to suddenly toss them all, I seriously doubt that I would miss them. Maybe someday I’ll try it, if I can find the time and motivation to do so.

>>>>>>>That sounds like an operator error. No offense. Since most tweaks, especially expensive ones, have a 30 day money back guarantee you should have established whether the expensive tweaks you invested in worked in the first place. Think of tweaks like components, you’ll be better off in the long run.  It’s a little silly to express buyer’s remorse when you didn’t do your due diligence.

We don’t want unmotivated tuna. Sorry Charlie. 🐬