Are you Sirius?

Really should have been, "DO you Sirius?" Has anyone found a Sirius(XM) tuner, that provides quality reception/fidelity, through one’s home audio system? Metropolitan(Cleveland, Orlando, Chicago) Blues and Jazz, FM stations, used to be my way of finding new artists. The hick town, in which I currently reside, can’t support one.
I'd recommend a source component that can stream internet radio. Much more music available from anywhere you can imagine.
Has anyone found a Sirius(XM) tuner, that provides quality reception/fidelity, through one’s home audio system?
If you listen to Sirius/XM, you’ll get much better fidelity from the online stream than from the low-bitrate satellite signal.
Gave up on Sirius earlier this year after 10 years of poor reception and near constant dropouts.  I live in an apartment in NYC and even with an external antenna mounted to the child guards on my windows aimed at where the Sirius satellite was supposed to be, reception was awful.

I had the Tivoli Sirius radio.  Not worth the trouble.


rodman -
I subscribe to Sirius/XM and listen in my car.  For listening to FM radio in my home system I have an inexpensive Grace internet tuner.  I tune into to stations such as WDCB (Chicago) and KKJZ (Newport Beach CA) for jazz.  The fidelity is more than adequate, and there's no cost beyond the price of the tuner (unless you opt to donate to the stations of choice).

Just a thought in case you hadn't considered this option.

As above-

I, too, was an early adopter of XM Radio. Once the merger w/ Sirius began and all of those channels were added, the drop-outs in reception started. In 2017, I have noticed a significant drop-out rate compared to years past. The platform for all-music was much better, IMO.